
  • Amik Novia Ratnasari STIKes MitraHusada Karanganyar
  • Sri Sugiarsi STIKes MitraHusada Karanganyar



AbstractThe objective of research was to find out information system in filing division.This study was a descriptive. The population consisted of 14 filing officers; the sample consisted of 5 filing officers taken using incidental sampling technique. The instrument of collecting data used was interview and observation guidelines. The methods of collecting data used were interview and observation. The data analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative method.The result of research showed that the plot of storage procedure had been consistent
with the SOP prevailing in Dr. Moewardi Local General Hospital. Data input SIMRS included medical record number, name, address, age, sex, objective of screening, payment method, entrance tracking, outget, storage user, patient master. In monitoring the medical record document, the filing officer used computerized and manual method, however in monitoring medical record document there were still miss file because of the officer fatigue and age factor, thereby delaying the service. Meanwhile, in medical record document transaction,
the filing officer employed tracer for both medical record document borrowing and returning. The result of SIMRS found the number of medical record borrowed, data of unreturned medical record document, and medical record document use per day and per month.The conclusion of research was that there were some obstructions in monitoring medical record document related to miss file due to the officer fatigue and age factor. Keywords: Information system, FilingAbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan sistem informasi di bagian filing. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Populasi 14 petugas filing, sampel 5 petugas filing dengan menggunakan teknik Sampling Insidental. Instrument pengumpulan data adalah pedoman wawancara dan pedoman observasi. Cara pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan observasi. Analisis datanya deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alur prosedur penyimpanan sudah sesuai dengan SPO yang berlaku di RSUD Dr.Moewardi. Input data Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis meliputi nomor rekam medis, nama, alamat, umur, jenis kelamin, tujuan periksa, cara bayar, tracking masuk, outget,user simpan, master pasien. Dalam pemantauan dokumen rekam medis petugas filing menggunakan komputerisasi dan manual, akan tetapi dalam pemantauan dokumen rekam medis masih terdapat miss file dikarenakan petugas yang kelelahan dan juga faktor usia sehingga dapat memperlambat dalam pelayanan. Sedangkan dalam transaksi dokumen rekam medis petugas filing menggunakan tracer baik peminjaman dokumen rekam medis maupun pengembalian dokumen rekam medis. Ouput dari sistem informasi rekam medis di bagian filing dapat diketahuinya jumlah dokumen rekam medis yang dipinjam, data dokumen rekam medis yang belum kembali, mengetahui penggunaan dokumen rekam medis per hari dan per bulan.Simpulan dalam penelitian ini masih terdapat kendala dalam pemantauan dokumen rekam medis terkait dengan miss file dikarenakan petugas kelelahan dan faktor usia. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Filing


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How to Cite

Ratnasari, A. N., & Sugiarsi, S. (2016). SISTEM INFORMASI REKAM MEDIS DI BAGIAN FILINGDI RUMAHSAKIT UMUM DAERAH Dr.MOEWARDI. Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia, 4(1).




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