Author Guidlines


Author General Guidelines

1) Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian or English and have never been published or are not in the process of submitting for publication to other media and do not contain elements of plagiarism.
2) Manuscripts in the form of research results.
3) Authors must register as authors. Guidelines for registering and submitting papers are at the bottom.
4) Manuscripts will be published in the Indonesian Journal of Health Information Management (JMIKI) after being reviewed by peer reviewers.
5) Manuscripts must be prepared according to the specified guidelines and writing templates (can be downloaded here).
6) Manuscripts must be typed using word processing software (Microsoft Word or Open Office). The font used throughout the paper is Times New Roman. Paper size is A4 (e.g., 210 x 297 mm), single-column format with 3 cm for all margins, 1.5 spacing and limited to 5,000 words (8 – 15 pages).

Manuscript Preparation Guide

1) Title. The title must be short and informative, not exceeding 12 words, appropriate to the issue being discussed, not containing unusual abbreviations.
2) Author's name and institution. The author's name must be accompanied by the author's institution, institutional address and email address without academic degrees and positions.
3) Abstract. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. The abstract is made in one paragraph consisting of background, objectives, research methods, results, conclusions and keywords (3-5 phrases).
4) Introduction. The introduction must be brief and sequential, the background, literature review, main research problem and research objectives are stated at the end of the introduction.
5) Method. The method contains the research design, time and place of research, population and sample, method of data collection, data analysis.
6) Results. Research results must be supported by adequate data and must answer the research objectives.
7) Discussion. The discussion contains discussions that link or compare the results of the research with theories or results of previous studies, providing scientific interpretations for each result or finding presented.
8) Conclusion. The conclusion contains a brief statement about the results of the research in accordance with the research objectives. Conclusions should not only contain a repetition of results and discussion.
9) Bibliography. The literature listed in the bibliography only contains sources referred to or included in the article. Bibliography must come from primary sources (scientific journals at least 80% of the entire bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. The bibliography is written in the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition format.

Registration Guide

  1. Go to
  2. On the navigation menu, click Register.
  3. You will be taken to the Register page. Fill in your profile on the Profile page (* required):
    1. Username: write your username that is used to login, may contain letters, symbols or numbers (do not  use spaces).
    2. Password: write down the password used to log into the JMIKI website (try to remember and record it).
    3. Repeat Password: repeat the password in the previous step again
    4. Validation:write the characters that appear in the CAPTCHA
    5. Salutation: title fields are not required.
    6. First Name:enter your first name (required).
    7. Middle Name: enter your middle name (if it contains a middle name)
    8. Last Name: write your last name (if your name consists of one name such as Rohmadi, then your first name is rewritten in the last name as Rohmadi Rohmadi) Initials:Write your initials (not required).
    9. Gender: select your gender
    10. Affiliation:write down the institution where you serve
    11. Email: enter a valid email address. Any notification regarding the status of your article will be sent via email written here. 
    12. Confirm Email: rewrite the email in the previous step
    13. Confirmation: check this section to receive an email regarding the username and password
    14. Register as: check the Author section (Mandatory)
  4. After it's finished, there will be a notification (check spam), if not there, just try to log in. However, if you are still experiencing login failure, please contact our admin, WA 085742336625 or 081804501090.

Guidelines for submitting articles/scripts to JMIKI

To be able to submit articles to JMIKI, the author must first have an account as a writer or author (see the registration guide at JMIKI). Before submitting an article, make sure that the article to be submitted is in accordance with the style of the enclosure in the JMIKI journal (see templates and JMIKI writing guidelines). To submit an article, the steps are as follows:

  1. Visit the website then log in based on the account that was previously registered.
  2. Click New Submission,
  3. Submission Language: select the language of your article..
  4. Submission Checklist: please check if your article is as required by JMIKI.
  5. Comments for the Editor: Please fill in if there are messages or comments for the Editorial Team regarding the manuscript. If you have clicked Save and Continue.
  6. Next upload your article by clicking Choose File, find the location where your article file is stored, if you have clicked Upload.
  7. If the upload is successful, there will be a description of File Name (the file name was renamed with a code by the system), Original File Name (your original article file name), File Size and Date Uploaded.
  8. If you have, please click Save and Continue.
  9. Next, fill in the author's identity form. By default, it is filled with registration time fields, but if there is something that needs to be changed, we can change it from this form.
  10. If there is more than one author, click Add Author.
  11. Title and Abstract: write the title of the article and the abstract. The written abstract is an abstract according to the language of the article.
  12. Indexing (Keywords): write down the abstract keywords, separator between words using commas (semicolon). Example: code, diagnosis, ICD-10.
  13. Contributors and Supporting Agencies: write down the institutions or agencies providing the article assistance (can be left blank).
  14. References: write down the reference or Bibliography of the article.
  15. If you have clicked Save and Continue.
  16. Uploading Supplementary Files: if there are attachments (such as pictures or graphics and the like) please attach them via the following form. If not there can be skipped.
  17. If you have clicked Save and Continue.
  18. Confirming the Submission: This section only checks back the file that we have uploaded. If you are sure the file is just click Finish. However, if anyone is still unsure, please repeat again by clicking step 2. Upload Submission.
  19. Active Submissions: to monitor the status of the articles that we send.